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Gold Loan

Gold Loan

To cater to urgent financial requirement for medical treatment, education, marriage, repayment of outside debt, house renovation etc.

Business Loan

Business Loan

Financial requirement for
- Purchase of new/old machinery /equipments
- Purchase of business premises
- Purchase of furniture fixture for office / factory
- Bill/L.C discounting
- Cash credit

Salaried Employee Loan

Salaried Employee Loan

To support your financial requirement for house renovation, school education, marriage, repayment of outside loan, medical expenses etc.

Surety Loan

Surety Loan

To support your financial requirement for house/office renovation , education, marriage, repayment of outside loan, medical expenses etc.

Housing Loans

Housing Loans

Purchase / Construction of House with ready possession or flat’s with 85% construction completed

House Repairing Loan

House Repairing Loan

Financial requirement for House/office Renovation/repairs.

Apna Mortgage Loan

Apna Mortgage Loan

Financial requirement for repairing /construction/Purchase of land/repayment of outside loan/Business Expansion/Working capital

Education Loan

Education Loan

For Domestic/International higher education

Vehicle Loan

Vehicle Loan

For purchase of new / second hand Vehicle for own use or for commercial use

Special Scheme Loans

Special Scheme Loans

For purchase of premises and equipment

Special Saving Scheme Loans (SSS)

Special Saving Scheme Loans (SSS)

Daily Collection Account with Us.

Special Scheme Loans Tourism

Special Scheme Loans Tourism

For payment of Travelling Expenses.